Cults of the Dragon Gods (Path of Transcendence Book 4) Read online

Page 8

  As I look into Angelique's eyes, tears are running down her cheeks. "Do you want to talk, or do you want me to fuck you?"

  "I don't know. Both. Fuck me. Don't stop. No matter what I say, keep fucking me."

  I kiss her and she hungrily responds. My Dick is already hard. It has been since Angelique grabbed it. Any man that has this girl in his arms, vulnerable and wanting to be fucked, and does not respond is not a man. He would not even qualify as a faggot.

  Angelique arms wrap tightly around my neck as I enter her. Her lips next to my ear, she moans softly. As our bodies thrust against each other, sometimes she moans and gasps, and other times she whisper softly. She tells me the story of how a fifteen-year-old girl was jailed for hate crimes because she fought back against the self-identified homosexual girls who were abusing her. Inside the reform school, there was no one who would stand up for her. Instead of being verbally abused and shoved around, she was brutally beaten and sexually assaulted by the other inmates, by the guards, and by the teachers. It did not matter if her attackers were homosexual or heterosexual. Angelique was not in reform school because she was a violent criminal. Putting a girl like Angelique into a reform school was no different than throwing raw meat into a cage full of half-starved carnivores. She was nothing but a victim, and both the inmates and the staff were brutal and vicious by nature.

  Lying on the bed next to us, Elan looks at me while listening to Angelique's story. A slight frown turns the corners of her lips downward.

  I do not know how to describe my emotional state. I hate people that are too weak stand up for themselves. I would rather fight and die that be a victim, but being needed by Angelique, while she is in this vulnerable and fragile state, is more than just sexually arousing. It feed both my lust for her and my lust for strength and Power. It gives me a strange sense of satisfaction that I am the one she is opening herself up to.

  When her story is finished, Angelique still clings to me crying while she orgasms.

  It is a relief to be able to release the control I am maintaining over my body. The longer we fucked and the longer I had to maintain control over myself, the worse the burning pain became. Even now, the intensity of the pain only lightens up slightly. While it is not the worst pain that I have been subjected to, it is still bad enough to be more than a minor distraction.

  So that my mass does not crush her, I shift my body to the side of Angelique. Elan slips halfway under Angelique and hugs her from behind. "Child, you need to leave the past behind you. You cannot let those who want to hurt you keep control over your life. If you want to hurt them, now is the time. After we leave this world, there will never be another chance."

  Angelique sniffles. "I don't know what to do. Those girls are no longer in reform school. I don't know where they are. Some of the guards and teachers are no longer there, either. I want to hurt them. I want them to know what it feels like to be helpless and afraid while someone hurts them. I want to make them beg for me to stop hurting them."

  Elan smiles. "We have Delphi. We can find them, and you have the Power to hurt them. Once we know where they are, I can teach you long distance scrying spells to observe them, and once can see them, there are many spells that can hurt them far more than they hurt you."

  Angelique twists around in Elan's embrace and hugs her tightly. She seems to be a broken mix of grown woman and child in one body. Is it the result of her abuse in the reform school? Or is there another cause? While I am curious, there is no point in wasting time to figure it out.

  Elan strokes Angelique's hair gently and, as she looks at me, our eyes meet and she smiles. The mix of gentleness and malice only enhances Elan's ethereal beauty.

  My dick is already hard again, and as I embrace the two women, I feel the lust and hunger in the both of them.

  * * * * *

  While I am putting on my loincloth and pteruges, Elan stares at me with a frown. "I was not certain while we were in bed, but you have grown taller overnight."

  Angelique carefully appraises me, and her eyes narrow. She holds her fingers about an inch and a half apart. "You're about this much taller than last night. What is happening?"

  A faintly confused expression settles on my face. Another inch and a half would make me just over 6'5" tall now. What the fuck is going on? Biologically I should be what twenty-three? Almost twenty-four? There is no way I should be getting taller, and the process seems to be accelerating. Could it be tied to the constant pain I have been in since the battle with J'Rome? I keep finding more questions but few answers.

  "I don't know." My words hang heavy in the air.

  The three of us finish dressing in silence. Elan and Angelique both put on Earth clothing. However, Elan's clothing barely conceals anything. Her translucent halter top that barely reaches the bottom of her tits is made from that diaphanous black type of fabric that is used in women's underwear, and her skirt is no more than another strip of that fabric wrapped around her hips. Standing next to her, Angelique has on a denim miniskirt, with no panties, and a tube top.

  "I am going to study the machinery that creates your Delphi hardware. It may take me a few days to work out something that can contain it." With a contemplative expression on her face, Elan walks out of the room.

  "I will go with you." Angelique quickly races out of the room on her heels.

  Elan pauses and glances over her shoulder. "No. You should stay with Brand today. I am sure he is going out again, and you might be useful to him."

  Angelique spins around and looks at me with a brilliant smile.

  "Come on, were going to a cemetery."

  Angelique's eyes widen a bit, and her mouth hangs open.

  I repress a faint desire to smirk. "You will understand once we get there."

  * * * * *

  A veritable sea of tombstones stretches out in front of me. After leaving Earth, I never expected to see this place again. I have the feeling that I am running in circles, but I am not quite sure how to break out of them to move forward. My past seems to have chains on me. Maybe, it is my origins, but I do not know what my origins are, and I can barely remember my childhood. With the exception of a small number of events, my memories of everything before the accident that was probably not an accident are dim and hazy. The only things that stand out sharply in my mind are my time in Urehara-sensei's dojo and the fights where I lured the idiots outside of the range of the social cameras.

  I take out one of the pictures from my nominal aunt's house. For most of my life, I believed that the man in the woman in this picture where my parents. Now, I no longer know what the truth is, but in the depths of my heart and Soul, I do not think they are my parents. Looking at their faces, I can only barely match them with my hazy memories. The only clear memory I have of these two is from that dream that Vili caused me to have after I killed Tiara and Alador.

  Clinging to my arm so that it is pressed tightly against her medium sized tits, Angelique cranes her neck so that she can see the picture in my hand.

  "Who are they?"

  I stare into Angelique's eyes for a moment. "I used to think they were my parents, but now, I don't know what their relation to me is."

  "Are they buried here?" Angelique's voice has a hesitant tone to it.


  We do not say anything more, and I start walking through the cemetery. Angelique scrambles to stay with me and keep her tits pressed against my arm at the same time. I do not understand how her mind works, but she is probably trying to use her body and the enticement of fucking to arouse greater interest for her in me. It is not a bad ploy, but this is neither the time nor the place for it.

  I have the feeling that I am being watched, but I cannot locate the watcher. My control over my Power seems to be getting more erratic. My spatial awareness and empathic perception are both patchy. Even with Angelique clinging to my arm, I am having difficulty constantly reading her emotional state. It seems like things are going to get rather complex.

  Since I am onl
y moving at a casual walking pace, it takes almost ten minutes to reach my supposed parents graves. Try as I might, I am unable to identify anyone or anything that might be observing me. Once we reach the graves, I spend a few moments looking around visually but still have no luck.

  Out of curiosity, I look up into the sky. There is a faint moving shadow with just a hint of brighter blue on one end visible against the pale blue of the sky. The drone is at a much higher altitude than the last time one was used to spy on me. It is not like it matters. With Delphi under my control, none of the drones on this world can see me. The US government is hard at work wastefully burning the tax dollars extorted from the sheople under its dominion.

  Could the Jones brothers be involved?

  Whoever it might be, as long as they do not fuck with me, they will not die today. Maybe.

  "Keep an eye out for any suicidal ass-fuckers. If any of the morons show up, don't let them interfere with what I am doing."

  Releasing my arm, Angelique straightens her spine thrusting her nice pair of tits out. A brilliant smile lights up her face. "Yes, Master!"

  Is it really this easy to make her happy? Do I just have to give her a little bit of responsibility combined with some regular fucking to get such a pleased reaction out of her? I really do not understand how human minds work, especially female ones.

  Staring at the graves in front of me, I try to shut out all the surrounding distractions. With the constant pain and deteriorating control over my Power, I do not need any further complications with what I am about to do.

  Sinking my awareness into a thread of braided Power, I sink it into the ground and search for the remains of my supposed parents' corpses. I spend several minutes, just to be sure, but there are no human remains in these graves. There is a coffin in each one, but both of them are empty. I cannot find even the smallest trace human remains.

  My memories are not hazy regarding this matter. I am certain that I watched a video feed of the funeral of the two people who should be buried here. I know I saw the caskets lowered into the graves. However, I did not witness the graves being filled back in. I do not know if the bodies were removed after the funeral or if those caskets never contained any bodies to begin with. What happened to the corpses? Who took them? When were they taken?

  My general irritation, deriving partially from the constant pain, is beginning to turn into outright anger. I have questions but no answers. Every time I look in a new place, I only find more questions, questions after questions. Where are the fucking answers?

  As I turn away from the graves, Angelique looks at me out of the corner of her eye. She appears to be nervous, or perhaps scared, but I cannot feel anything from her.

  My Power is acting up even more. It seems that the more I use my Power, the more difficult it is going to become to control it. How bad is it going to get? How long until the damage heals? Yet again, more damned questions and no fucking answers.

  "Master?" Angelique's voice trembles slightly.

  "Come here."

  Angelique's gliding steps quickly cross the eight or so feet between us. Without hiding herself in thick robes and trying to appear innocuous, she has a surprising natural grace. She stops with only an inch or so between our bodies and looks up. To me, she seems like such a tiny girl but I suppose, she is about average height. In her bare feet, she stands around 5'6" tall.

  "I'm not angry with you. You're mine now. I won't hurt you just because I am angry about something else." Grabbing Angelique, with one ass cheek in each hand, I lift her into the air until her face is at the level of my own.

  Wrapping her arms around my neck, Angelique grins and kisses me. Even with the erratic functioning of my empathic perception, the joy and contentment radiating from Angelique is so strong that I cannot miss it.

  Angelique reminds me of a cat that I once saw with some teenage girls. They were going all gaga over the animal, and it was threading its way in and around the three of them. One of the girls said something about the animal coming from the shelter and being starved for affection. Perhaps, Angelique is like that cat. She came from this twisted shithole of a world, and on Taereun, she hid herself away from others with those two cowards. I cannot imagine either of those dickbags offering her anything resembling affection or comfort. They probably do not even have the balls to try and touch her, forget trying to pay attention to her or get in her pants. She may simply be starved for affection.

  After a few minutes, when I put Angelique down, she has a pout her face. "I don't see anyone around. We can fuck right here, and no one would bother us. It would be really kinky."

  I laugh out loud. "You really are turning into a wanton little slut. I like that."

  Angelique blushes all the way down to her tits but it does not stop her from smiling.

  I point up at the drone. "I didn't know that you were turning into an exhibitionist though. Uncle Fuck You Over has some pretty good cameras up there to record the whole show."

  Angelique's blush turns to a new and interesting shade of red. It makes me want to fuck her right here, just to see how she reacts while thinking she is being watched by strangers.

  "Maybe, it's not such a good idea."

  I snort. "Time to go."

  Angelique slips under my arm and puts her own arm as far around my waist as it will go. As we walk back toward the entry to the cemetery, she keeps looking up at the drone overhead.

  "Master, do you want me to knock that drone out of the sky? It's within reach of my spells."

  I laugh. "There isn't any point. It can't see us anyway. Delphi will be scrubbing any images it records of us."

  Angelique pouts. "You can be so mean. I'm not used to being invisible to the government."

  I look up at the drone again. We may be invisible to it, but there are still ways somebody smart could use it to ascertain that we are here. The big questions are: who ordered it launched, and who is monitoring it?

  The closer we get to the entry to the cemetery, the more intense the feeling of being watched becomes. I do not think it is the drone that is giving me this feeling. From the intensity, I think that it is probably more than just a single person.

  Disengaging myself from Angelique, I take out my weapon harness and put it on. The illusion spell anchors that Elan created for us are complex enough that no one, who does not have active Power, will be able to see my weapons. To the eyes of any normal human, I look like a big, ugly, scarred man mid-thigh length shorts and a T-shirt.

  The cemetery is surrounded by an eight foot high brick wall. When we are less than a hundred feet from the gate, a man steps out from behind the wall and block the the exit. He is a heavily muscled man, a little taller than I am, and the left half of his skull and face have been surgically replaced with metal. A faint shimmering betrays an illusion spell that is not strong enough to overcome my senses covering the metal. Like Elan's spell, it is just designed to fool the pathetic sheep living on Earth.

  "Special Agent Jones, I was wondering if you would show up."

  Special Agent Jones looks like he cannot decide whether to smile or frown. "Mr. McGuinness, it was a surprise learning you were back on Earth. You've been hitting some serious roids. What have you put on in the last eight months? One hundred fifty pounds? More?."

  For a few moments, we stare at one another in silence. Special Agent Jones is right about my mass, but I do not know how much sense he would make out of the real answer. The truth is that something is wrong. I am putting on too much mass, too fast, and I do not understand why. It goes far beyond the norm for physical enhancement techniques. I have reach the point where my mass is starting to impede my mobility.

  "Are you here to say hello or to deal with me?"

  Special Agent Jones finally decides on a frown. The expression suits him. "To warn you. Though next time we meet, I will probably be compelled to kill you."

  Looking around, I do not reveal any expression. "I don't see Special Agent Jones."

  Anger is visible in
Special Agent Jones' single remaining human eye. His left eye is a lifeless crystal. "Special Agent Jones has embarked on the final mission ahead of me."

  "What happened?"

  "After you left, where attacked by hundreds of those wolves. Special Agent Jones had his head crushed like a melon. I thought I had died as well, but I woke up."

  Steel is cruelty. Steel is pain. With a bit of difficulty, I cast a more or less stable pattern sight spell.

  The metal that replaced of half of Special Agent Jones' skull and face is a work of art. I would need time, potentially weeks or months, to completely unravel even a fraction of the purpose and functionality crafted into that metal plate. I do not think that I have ever seen an artifact with quite so complex a pattern. The purple throne Area 51 might be the only exception, but I could not even see its pattern properly. The only thing I can be certain of at the moment is that the pattern of the plate is merging with Special Agent Jones' pattern.

  "Are you being controlled through that implant?"

  Special Agent Jones shrugs. "It seems to be that way. I don't know what else it could be. Even if I try to disobey a direct order, I am compelled to carry it out. I can't stop myself. It feels like I am a spectator in my own body as it follows the commands. They have made it so I can't even take my own life."

  "If that is the case, then you have no orders concerning me?"

  Special Agent Jones almost smirks. "I was given very specific orders regarding you. I am to take a team and stakeout the Burning Medical Research Hospital and kill you when you arrive. When you're on a stake out, you alternate the members of the team on active duty. Right now, I have my team staking out the hospital, and this is not the hospital so I do not have to kill you."

  I frown. "It has to be more than just a way to control you, if that was all it was, there would be no point. Do you know what else it is doing?"